Cases: Research, Analysis
How We've Helped Clients
FutureU has conducted research and implementation initiatives for a variety of clients, such as the NASA Astrobiology Institute, the American Hospital Association, California Pacific Medical Center, the University of Phoenix, and Pacific Bell. Examples of this work include the following.
For more information about our research services, please contact us directly.
The NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
With our help, NAI was able to assess the communication practices among its 700+ researchers widely dispersed among 200 institutions; identify their concerns, preferences, and needs for improvement; and develop a strategy for introducing new tools and methods to enhance communication and collaboration

King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
We delivered two assessment instruments online for our clients at King Abdulaziz University. One was a technology-readiness assessment; the other, a needs assessment. They were able to select the best candidates from among the faculty applicants for an exclusive training program in online course development and delivery. We then delivered a 6-week program, half online and half face to face to the finalists from this selection process.
La Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
We were engaged to assess the technology needs and readiness for online teaching among 100+ faculty and administrative staff. The university used the results of FutureU’s online survey to substantiate its application for a major federal Title V grant, which was awarded.

Missouri State University (MSU)
MSU was better able to plan to its new online program for pre-service teacher training because we first assessed the faculty’s technical skills and attitude. The findings from the pre and post-training components of this assessment were also used as part of the annual progress report to the Department of Education PT3 program which paid for the assessment and the faculty development program that we also delivered.

California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC)
CPMC was able to begin improving internal communication among 5,000 physicians, researchers, and employees following a major merger involving multiple hospital campuses, by first engaging us to assess existing methods and attitudes and make non-proprietary recommendations for change.
The Manutan Group
Manutan, a European conglomerate of industrial equipment companies, improved the outcome and impact of its senior management retreat with online surveys and discussions provided by FutureU before and after the meeting. The experience showed the executives how online surveys could help address communications issues among managers separated by great distance.

Pacific Bell
Pacific Bell was able to evaluate the impact of deregulation on small business customers’ perception of the company as a small business advocate with our help.
Our findings were used to plan and deliver a marketing event positioning Pacific Bell as a small business friendly company.

Industry Research
Comparative Features Analysis of Leading Course Management Software
In 1999, FutureU conducted a study of the leading learning management software platforms of that time, based on a proprietary research model we developed. This report on our findings was published in 2000.
Using the research model we developed from this study, we also created a generic decision-makers tool for choosing any kind of software.

For more detailed descriptions of individual case types, visit these pages:
- Cases: Strategy, Planning, Implementation.
- Cases: Content Publishing
- Cases: Faculty Development, Student Preparedness
- Cases: Evaluation, Assessment
- Cases: Fundraising Success Stories
- Cases: Research, Analysis